Frequently Asked Questions
What is “Wild Mountains”, the space?
Wild Mountains is a large plot of very special land with some purpose built sustainable buildings that is taken care of by the Wild Mountains Trust. The Trust seeks to reconnect the community with nature to nurture the planet. They have lots of various programs that you can get involved in. We love having our retreat here because it’s super special, and we believe in what they’re doing in the world, both environmentally and educationally. For more information, check out their website here:
What are the criteria for invitation to participate?
We understand that a lot of mid-career songwriters are disproportionately under-represented in the arts funding space and need all of the support they can get. We aim to provide a retreat for these artists, who are so important to the cultural wealth of this country. We choose our artists based on the points listed on the relevant event year. You also need to have a love of good (vegetarian) food, good company, clean mountain air, and the willingness to engage in a bit of tree-hugging is essential.
We like to choose artists that need the support of our offering. For example, they may have been independent for a really long time, unlikely to be on a major label, or have minimal independent representation - however these are not requisite to the selection; artists are invited to express how they feel drawn to the Wild Mountains experience and they believe they will benefit from and are well-placed to contribute to a collaborative experience.
When is it?
The 2022 event will take place Thursday 24th March to Sunday 27th March.
What happens?
Each songwriter is teamed with a new co-writer, to write a new song within 24 hours. This happens twice over the course of the retreat.
The song is then recorded, filmed and performed in front of the rest of the group. Artists can choose whether they want to share their song, or it can be hidden forever. This is a no pressure kinda place. Artists are offered earth connection activities to participate in, as well as artist led workshops. Artists are well looked after by way of wholesome meals, good company and back to basics accommodation.
Who is coming?
See list of artists here.
What do I bring?
If your application is successful, we will send you an information pack, but basically you need your instrument, clothes and bedding (not your mattress), we take care of the rest. But you need to be aware that we are in the bush, so be prepared to see snakes and lots of creepy crawlies (and cute stuff too!).
Who is behind Wild Mountains Songs?
Brisbane singer-songwriter and music project manager Emma Bosworth started Wild Mountains Songs in 2016. Desperately needing a space away from the hustle and bustle to create in a peaceful and creatively nurturing space, Wild Mountains Songs was created. Hosting this event is Emma’s way of giving back to the mountain; at 14 Emma attended one of Wild Mountains Trust’s environment education camps and it turned her life around. To be able to share this space with others gives Emma a huge kick, and she loves how the space can transform people’s frame of mind and trajectory. Musically, Emma has released 5 recordings in various bands and as a solo artist. Her recent releases have seen her get spins on Triple J, Double J and a few award nominations too; the last song she wrote on the mountain with Alex Henriksson, “Oh Man” has been synced to TV show “Harrow”.
Any other questions?
Email us at info@wildmountainsongs.com