Artist Residencies
Seasonal Artist Residencies
Expanding on the Wild Mountains Songs tradition, we've introduced mini-artist residencies aligned with the Wild Mountains Education Center's seasonal landcare initiative, NEXT-GEN REGEN, to uphold our artistic legacy.
Previous songwriters and friends of the Wild Mountains Songs retreat are invited to lodge and create art in Bruce’s Shed, the first building erected at the Wild Mountains site that is known for its impeccable sound quality. Songwriters have used this time to rehearse, record, create visuals and write new works. They are invited to come alone, or to share the experience with their fellow creatives. Arriving Friday afternoon, they join landcare volunteers for meals and can also engage in landcare activities. On Saturday evening, resident artists share their program experiences and perform music to the volunteers. Artists are able to extend their residency at a cost.
NEXT-GEN REGEN unites a dedicated, rotating group of young to middle-aged landcare volunteers in the Rathdowney Hinterland. Held seasonally, it educates newcomers and regulars in land preservation to protect the neighboring World Heritage National Park from invasive weeds like lantana. Volunteers enjoy meals, scenic lodging, and connections with fellow conservationists. Future plans involve involvement in the Nature Refuge Landholder grants program. The program spans from Friday afternoon to Sunday mid-morning.
SPRING 2023 Residency
Isaac Conomos (mou)
Isaac attended the Wild Mountains Songs retreat in 2022, and released “Space” from that year, written and performed with Menaka Thomas. “Space” won the World Music Song of the Year Award at the 2023 Queensland Music Awards.
“My main purpose for attending the residency was to break free from my usual place of creativity and spark a fresh outlook on life. Being able to wake to the sound of the trees and walk through bushland helped settle my mind in a way I don't get anywhere else. Connecting with land and like minded people was something I had needed for a very long time. I set out with a goal to create three songs over the time I was there. Being given access to a beautiful cabin to set up a makeshift studio was exactly what I needed.”
Isaac used the time to work on new demos for upcoming recordings.
WINTER 2023 Residency
Emma Bosworth + Tobias Broughton
Emma Bosworth is the founder of Wild Mountains Songs and has known the main caretakers of Wild Mountains for 30+ years. 2023 marked 8 years since the first songwriting event at the space. Toby is an art historian, artist and musician based in Brisbane, Australia. A long time friend and collaborator of Emma’s, Toby was the videographer at the 2018 and 2019 Wild Mountains Songs retreats.
Emma and Toby used their time to create a film clip for Emma’s track “Canis Major” which was written at the 2019 Wild Mountains Songs retreat.
AUTUMN 2023 Residency
Rohan Staples + Adam Campbell (HAM)
Members of The Band Ham, Adam Campbell and Rohan Staples arrived Friday night for their artist in residence tenure. They were armed with a 4 track recorder, a bass guitar, a guitar and a couple of amps, unsure where that might lead. They joined the landcare volunteers in a short ‘magic spot’ meditation in the morning and a tour out to the Avocado orchard where regen volunteers were working.
In between they embarked on a demo for a new Ham song and putting together a set of covers and original songs to play for the volunteers that evening. This was the first time they’d perfomed as a duo, and it worked - they’ve done at least half a dozen just like that since!
“It was a great opportunity to meet some fantastic people with amazing environmental knowledge (Richard) and share some music and laughs!”
Summer 2023 Residency
Ben Ely + The Mungo Fungo Band
Ben is a past Wild Mountains Songs retreat alumni from 2000 + 2022.
Ben used his time to rehearse with their new drummer and work out transitions for their upcoming release.