Praise for Wild Mountain Songs
We choose our participants carefully, and are generally huge fans of their work.
To get praise like this makes it all worth while.
“I feel as if this experience was perfect for me and came at the perfect time. Good ol’ fashioned soul food. I came to learn more about writing songs but received much more than I thought was possible. Sense of community and being “in it together” with songwriters spanning a vast array of genres and styles.”
Charles Wall (Bobby Alu), 2020 Participant
“Wild Mountains has changed me, having spent the last 15 years of my life working solely and consistently on music, I found myself this year with well worn grooves that I know work, but also limit my potential and script my creativity into adaptations of my previous work. This homogenises my work and produced diminishing returns with regard to my enjoyment and passion to continue. This retreat is not only respite from mid career boredom but a cure, as it shifts the well cemented habits I carry out. I’m left grateful.”
Rohin Jones (The Middle East), 2020 Participant
“Getting out of your comfort zone and collaborating with new people is great for looking at your practise in a new light. Highly recommended. “
Ben Ely (Regurgitator), 2020 Participant
“You need to experience Wild Mountains Songs. That’s all - you just need to do it.”
Jen Boyce (BALL PARK MUSIC), 2020 Recipient
“Nature and art have walked hand in hand for all of history because they are perfect partners, so I take any chance I can to write in the wild, where ideas come faster, better and with more freedom. On this occasion, to have met so many wonderful new peers and strengthened my bonds with old friends feels priceless. I look forward to making Wild Mountains Songs a ritual in my practice.”
Georgia Potter (MORETON), 2019 Participant
“Emma Bosworth and the team at Wild Mountain have put together an experience that is real magic. Being away from technology and the city was so welcome in this day and age of computer and IPhones to rely on for writing. Being able to write on an acoustic guitar while everything else was taken care of was a really great way to connect. All the people who were a part of the workshop were super special and I’ve made 12 new friends now that I hope our paths will cross more often in the future. The workshops were very eye opening giving musicians a platform to discuss mental health and politics in the industry, I feel this is spoken about a lot at higher levels but not often implemented on a grass roots level. Would definitely be a part of one again if the offer was put my way.”
Alex Henrikkson, 2019 Participant
“The Wild Mountains was the perfect place to get away from the city and write songs. In fact it was the perfect place to get away for any reason. Beautiful views, fresh air, great little sleeping area and well appointed communal hall. I felt welcomed and it was a real honor to be invited to such a special place. The food was lovely, the walk around the forest was beautiful and seeing so many stars is always a revelation”
Kellie Lloyd (Screamfeeder), 2016 participant
“It’s so exciting to come away and realise that the world is still so full of potential – potential art, potential collaborations, potential new friends. It was a real shot to the arm, and to be honest, I’m still quavering emotionally in my middle. A lot to process, an amazingly rich gift of renewed vision in my life”
Tamara Bell (The Hits / Grieg), 2017 participant
“Wild Mountains Songs was the perfect combination of creative work, networking, skill sharing and time in nature. The location was beautiful and isolated from outside distractions, so I could really immerse myself in the experience of songwriting and sharing ideas with a bunch of great people. It was really interesting writing with two different songwriters over the weekend, to experience two very different approaches to composing and realise I could adapt to both! All the staff were welcoming and supportive of the participants and took time to take us on bush walks and listen to our music. The sessions on wellbeing were on point. The food was fabulous. I’ve come away reconnected with my creative process and I am very grateful for that!”
Siobhan Corcoran, 2019 Participant
“What an absolutely fabulous experience, really appreciate all your hard work, time, energy and professionalism. Was a pleasure working with you and I'd love to come back again.”
Ella Fence, 2019 Participant
"Songwriting can be quite a personal experience, so it was daunting but rewarding to work with two other people I really admire, and I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity. The food was also wonderful and I really appreciated the effort and work that went into taking care of us."
Anonymous (part of 2019 participant survey)
“Thank you for creating an event like this, it is definitely meeting a need in the songwriting industry and you have pulled it off beautifully.”
Anonymous (part of 2019 participant survey)
“I think I made some friends for life, peers that I'll always checking in with personally, professionally, creatively. And I am planning to continue writing with 2 people that I met as part of the program.” Anonymous (part of 2019 participant survey)